Friday, February 10, 2012


I've heard and I'm sure many of you have seen, read, or heard movies, news clips, films, and even songs saying "LOVE IS A DRUG" Some even say its like morphine or another potent pain killer.  But the funny thing is if love is like morphine, I don't think I want it...morphine makes you sleepy, drowsy, confused, and if given at high doses makes you itch because morphine causes the release of histamines which are the things that make you itch when you have an allergic reaction--- ( and itching its a totally different subject).  Nonetheless, we continue to describe love as a "drug" or pain killer.  Puzzling I think.

CNN posted the following article (see link) saying "love may be as good as morphine"

I've seen some people on morphine and in my personal opinion, truly loving someone far surpasses any man made concoction that can be made in a laboratory.  True unconditional love from Christ will cure any heart, heal any wound, renew any brokeness, and can even give life eternally.

Love could never be a drug and thank goodness it's not.

Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours.

Salt and Light,


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