Wednesday, March 30, 2011

place to live...check! crazy physical....euh, no check

I've found a place to live for my first year of medical school! Hooray! I'm excited to have have that checked off my list. I found a cute little apartment within walking distance to the school that way I won't need to fight traffic or parking. It was a true blessing to get this apartment. I had been on the waiting list since January!

One thing that is not checked off my list yet is the physical, euh I'm not looking forward to it at all. It seems as though the physical check list includes, nails, eyes, ears, have you ever worked with radioactive substances, have you ever had boils, heart issues, neurological problems, have you ever been hospitalized in a mental institution, do you have frequent terrifying nightmares? Just to name a few of the questions off the physical, ha I think they're making sure I'm indeed human. In addition, I have 9 pdf files I have to fill out and although it is a lot to do, I'm excited to fill out each one because each paper I fill out and each fee I pay means this is actually real.

I write this blog post as I proctor an anatomy exam at Mississippi College. I see the anguish on their faces and believe me its mental pain taking these exams. I wish them the best of luck and pray when August 2011 comes I'll have the strength and endurance to tackle gross anatomy for the second time (in case that's confusing, I took human gross anatomy in my masters program I completed this past December.)

Friday, March 4, 2011

The Beginning...

The realization I've been accepted to medical school has still not completely set in.  The past few summers have been filled with anxiety and the doubtfulness that I would ever truly be accepted to medical school. This summer will be different: I can celebrate and sense the relief that I have accomplished one goal: acceptance.  Last summer was awful to say the least, all I did for the entire summer was study the MCAT which has been my mountain to climb. Prior to the Summer of 2010,  I had struggled and struggled with the infamous MCAT having taken the exam already 3 times and been unsuccessful 3 times.  In my mind, I had made this test into a monster. 

So for the Summer of 2010 it was a lonely one filled with Exam Kracker Books, audio osmosis, Kaplan flash cards, Princeton Review online exams, and some "chad videos".  I studied every single day for 8 hours a day for 3 months leading up to my July 31st exam date.  I had submitted my medical school application in the early part of July trusting I could finally conquer the MCAT on July 31st.  My MCAT score would be sent to all the schools I had applied to whether I did well on the exam or was a leap of faith to submit my application not knowing what score would be sent to them after my test date.   Deep in my heart I knew this was my turn to do well, but at the same time I couldn't get my hopes up only to be let down....again.

It took 30 days to receive my score and when I got the score I knew it was better than my previous attempts but not the score I wanted.  I prayed it would be good enough for an interview....and it was!  Two weeks into September of 2010 I got an invitation to interview at the University of Mississippi Medical Center.  I was nervous to say the least...I went out and bought a $300 suit just to try to impress them the best I could.....(my mom would have preferred I got my suit at hudson's dirt cheap...yuck)

I interviewed on September 30th and upon reading my interview schedule I saw I was interviewing with the toughest interviewer at the school.  I was sweating....literally.  After an hour and a half of interviews, lunch, and a tour of the school I went home and waited. 

On October 15th I received an e-mail that said 'congratualtions' in the subject line.....which has brought me to this point.

Whether you are one of my sweet family members, a precious friend, or a former student of mine I hope you enjoy hearing about the joys, struggles, doubts, frustrations, and successes to come.  There is a great appreciation for each of you that encouraged and prayed for me over the past several years.  Each prayer and encouraging word allowed me to finally believe in myself.