Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Why we do what we do....

A few have asked me why are you doing this?  Indeed, medical school is one of the notoriously tiring and grueling disciplines, many television shows ("ER", "Gray's Anatomy", "True stories of the ER", "House") feed off this reality.  But beyond these television shows there is a true passion in myself and my peers which drives us to do this.  I thought I might share a portion of my application "personal statement" to answer the question "why do you want to do this?"  The Lord has placed certain special people in my life and has created a path for me that has led me to this place.  Below you will find a small excerpt of my personal statement.  Many of you might recognize some names :)

"I became interested in the field of medicine when I was very young.  I was privileged to be exposed to medicine through high school shadowing programs and my uncle’s private family practice.  However, the most influential catalyst to my medical interest was Michael. Michael Henderson was a close school friend of mine who battled bone marrow cancer in junior high.  Michael’s testimony of how medicine and the physicians who cared for him influenced his life inclined my fascination, touched my heart, and increased my desire to study medicine.  I was able to see Michael take a medical journey from surgery to chemotherapy to a healthy young man again. Michael recovered completely and went on to graduate high school and earn a college degree.  I have always told Michael I do not think he realizes the impact his life made on mine. Michael's story caused me to ask myself, "Could I become a physician that could help people like Michael?"  High school shadowing programs, my uncle’s private practice, and Michael each sparked my initial interest in the medical field.  From there I took the inspiration and desire I had and decided to achieve the ultimate goal: become a physician. After graduating high school,  I decided to take the first step toward my goal; I enrolled at Mississippi State University in the fall of 2004 as a Biological Engineering major with a premedical emphasis.......

In the spring of my freshman year, I knew I wanted to experience medicine with my own hands.  I wanted to develop relationships and contacts that would give me greater exposure to medicine.  Therefore, I applied for an Emergency Room Technician position at Oktibbeha County Hospital in Starkville, MS......Indeed, I have personally seen the abundantly rewarding and deeply satisfying life of a physician.

In my fourth year, I was a part of a senior design group which, with the help of Hanger Prosthetics, designed a water-proof sleeveless shower prosthetic for Iraq war veteran and Mississippi State student Aaron Rice, a trans-tibial amputee....I was thrilled to be a part of this project because through innovation, design, and testing we were able to provide a way for Aaron to shower and wash his residual limb standing up.  I was excited to be involved in helping someone return to a sense of normality.  Through this project I learned about research, trial and error, working together as a team, and service. Having the opportunity to be involved in this research and design project helped solidify my belief that I am devoted to a life of service...

My parents have given me guidance and helped me develop into a positive and helpful human being which I will need to become a well rounded physician......There is no other satisfaction I can think of equal to helping someone else in their time of need as those physicians helped my friend Michael Henderson...."

Thanks For Reading

Salt and Light,


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